
From draughtswoman to craftswoman - A week on the building site.

As a training company, it is important to us that the apprentices have an active relationship with the construction site, learn what influence their plans have on the work on site and acquire a solid basic knowledge of the various trades.

Last week, our apprentice Sereina (2nd year) spent a week shadowing various tradespeople at work. She was able to accompany the tradespeople on one of our construction sites, ask them questions and even help out herself. Together with electrician Hunkeler Elektro AG, Sereina spent the first two days installing lights and sockets and helping with the wiring of a distribution board. On Wednesday, together with Bircher AG, the task was to fill plaster walls and apply smooth plaster. The finished walls were then painted on Thursday and Friday. To round off the week, she was given an insight into raised floors by Parmo GmbH on Friday afternoon.

A week full of new impressions, informative exchanges with experts and full physical exertion!
At the end of the week, Sereina has the task of writing a detailed report on the work of each trade and the new skills she has learnt. We are excited!